New Mexico Arbitrator-Mediator-Hearing Examiner T. Zane Reeves, PhD, has coordinated a seminar on the state of public sector collective bargaining in New Mexico.
He has arranged for a number of panelists and speakers who are actively involved in representing labor and management, for a frank but respectful discussion of where we are in terms of labor relations. Some anticipated presenters include Tom Griego with Labor Relations Systems, and Dina Holcomb with Management Associates.
In light of the state of collective bargaining throughout the nation, and in states such as Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio in particular, this is a particularly timely, thoughtful event. Bold, even! I plan to attend and encourage all labor practitioners and neutrals to do so--it should be quite interesting. Thank you, Dr. Reeves!
The event will be held in Santa Fe, at the Hotel Santa Fe, on Friday May 6, 2011. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m., and the presentations are expected to begin at about 8:30 a.m.
If you are interested in neutral services such as arbitration, mediation or contract ALJ services, in labor/employment or other areas of the law, please contact Pilar Vaile, P.C. at (505) 247-0802, or